When i first looked onto her blog it was amazing, she's so informative on products and how she uses them and her wish list items are so cute, gives you plenty of ideas for outfits. I could learn a lot from her and again I'm only just starting out and i have a lot to learn!
Her images are crisp and professional and i love the way she adds personality by attaching her images from instagram.
My favourite post has got to be make it personal post. I didn't used to be a big fan of personalised items since the 90's when i was bought one of those really thick black, velvet headbands with your name crudely drawn on in glue and glitter sprinkled on top to make your name look glittery, flashback anyone?!
But i love the items she has posted as they are very special, I've actually gone and ordered one of those Love initial Bracelets from gigglosophy!
I have followed her on blogger now and i cannot wait to read more of her posts!
Thank you so much for posting this - you are too sweet! You are going to love your bracelet!! I will definitely be following your blog as well :)